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021-101p.pdf 230kb The "Declaration of Independence" converted to PDF
021-101p.tif 195kb The "Declaration of Independence" in TIF format

The "Declaration of Independence" image used here was obtained by the United States Library of Congress. This TIFF file is a multi-strip file using Modified Huffman compression (compression mode 2). This TIFF file was converted to PDF using the DaVince Tool tiff2pdf. This is the 1777 printed edition printed in Baltimore, Maryland by Mary Katharine Goddard. The end of the text in this edition states:

In Congress, January 18, 1777. Ordered, that an authenticated copy of the Declaration of Independency, with the names of the members of Congress, subscribing the same, be sent to each of the United States, and that they be desired to have the same put on record. By order of Congress, John Hancock, president.


You can find out more about the "Declaration of Independence" and other United States historical documents at the Library of Congress web site at

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